Deshbandhu Trust (R) has contributed to economic growth and development. Promoting inclusive growth has been a priority area for the DBT from a social perspective. Deshhbandhu strives to make a difference to its Farmers and to the society and to the nation’s development directly through its well planned Training Programme and services, as well as through development initiatives and community outreach. DeshBandhu Trust for Inclusive Growth was founded in early 2019 to continue building upon the Deshbandhu legacy of promoting inclusive growth. Don’t give up on something just because you think you can’t do it. At Deshbandhu , we believe that equal access to growth opportunities should benefit every section of our society. We see people around us who are underserved, but not undeserving. Creating opportunities for them by providing basic services, relevant skills, and access to Agriculture Industry which can help transform their lives forever
- Deshbandhu Rural Self Employment Training Institutes
- Deshbandhu Trust Social Initiative, a Non-Profit Trust set up in 2019, pioneered our work on Primary Health, Elementary Education, Skill Development And Sustainable Livelihood and access to best technical platform of Agriculture Industry through various programme
India’s potential demographic dividend emerges from a large number of young people who are ready to join the workforce and participate in the country’s economic development. While some of the youths have been joining the organized and un-organized sectors, a large section of the marginalized and less privileged population remains outside the employment market
A closer look at the issue of sustainable livelihood reveals that many youth either do not have adequate access to job markets or the requisite skills for jobs; most of the times, both. To reap the benefits of the demographic dividend, there is an immediate need to impart livelihood oriented skill training to these youth to ensure their effective participation in the nation’s growth. At the same time, skill development in rural areas will enable people to earn sustainable livelihoods in rural India itself, balancing the pressures of urbanization and enhancing the vibrancy of the rural ecosystem.
Our staff are incredibly proud of what they do, because they make a real difference. And our members appreciate them too. Our Board is made up of employer and employee representatives and professional independent trustees. They work alongside a strong Senior Management Team which boasts a wealth of industry knowledge and experience. This means we’re perfectly placed to consider and meet the current and future needs of the industry.Mission and Vision
To promote inclusive growth in India through focused initiatives in the identified areas including primary healthcare, elementary education, Sericulture skill development and sustainable livelihood and rural development.
To be a leading Farmer’s Centric Institution for the promotion of inclusive growth in India by contributing to the key enablers required for widespread participation in economic opportunities in the country.