President's Message

“The basic aim of Deshbandhu Trust (R) is to create awareness among farmers regarding agricultural commodity at various markets, so that the farmers can negotiate and get better feature. It also makes more choices available to the farmers. Our portal has over several farmers registered from Karnataka who avail different services provided by Deshbandhu Trust (R),” says Dr. K.L. Pradhan, President of Deshbandhu Trust.

Deshbandhu Trust's offers different services like providing Ayushman Health Card, Kissan credit card, Crop Instruction Scheme, Raising awareness of Fertility ,Training of Agricultural, Silk and Dairy Plantation and Training of Farmer Women on Silk Nest Decoration.

Dr. K.L. Pradhan got an award Suvarna Shree Rajya Prashasti in 2018 - 2019 in the field of Krishi Vignana.

Often, the lack of proper knowledge about pesticides and fertilisers among farmers gives the vendors an opportunity to misguide them and maximise their own sales.

“When a farmer observes any pest infection growing on his farm, he goes to the vendor and explains the problem verbally. The vendor then hands him three or four different pesticides with instructions on how to use them. There’s no way for the farmer to know whether or not it is the right pesticide. This is where Deshbandhu Trust comes into the picture,” says Dr. K.L. Pradhan.

Dr. K.L. Pradhan
Deshbandhu Trust (R)