
Formation of Women and Male Self Empowerment Team in each of the towns and to their economic development to encourage.

  • Invest in public services, infrastructure, and women-friendly public spaces and transportation.
  • Promote innovation and technology,Information and communications technology can help increase Men/Women inclusion in the economy
  • Achieving real progress regarding the situation of women in society has, for a number of years, been a priority for many member countries of the Council of Europe and for the Organisation itself. Yet there is still major scope for improvement. The present report analyses the situation of women in rural areas. It concludes that in many fields and for many reasons rural women are at a disadvantage compared to women living in cities and urban regions. The dismantling of socio-economic structures in countries of central and eastern Europe has caused particularly grave problems for women in rural areas in these countries (for example, social security).
  • Women in rural society and especially in farming have always been an "invisible work force". Too little has been done to fully recognise women's role on farms and in rural communities _ legally, economically, technologically and in statistics.
  • The situation of women in rural regions in the European economies in transition is a particularly grave problem because of the dismantling of the former social and economic structures.